
Cleaning and Disinfection to Prevent Diseases

Preventing the spread of disease and infection starts with correct cleaning tools and procedures. Disease prevention cleaning is the first step of any disinfection process. If a surface is not cleaned properly, success in disinfection is compromised. Kaivac offers hospital-grade disinfectants, surface cleaning tools, and cleaning measurement technologies that can disinfect and then prove if a surface is clean and safe or not. 

Traditional cleaning tools do a poor job of removing biomatter, bacteria, viruses, and other biological threats, so disease prevention cleaning works less well. Too often mops simply spread dirt and infection around instead of removing it completely. Sprays and rags risk cross-contamination after just a single use. To minimize the risk of cross contamination and infection, certified technicians and custodians need to avoid touching while thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.

Kaivac offers a complete line of innovative cleaning machines that combine automatic chemical metering and injection with an indoor pressure washer and powerful wet vacuum to deep clean and disinfect without ever touching a mop, bucket, rag or spray bottle. The easy-to-use KaiVac 1750 No-Touch Cleaning system is highly effective and proven to completely remove all biohazards in restrooms, on floors, and any surface that can harbor dangerous microbes.

Kaivac’s Strategy: Remove It And Prove It

Kaivac knows that cleaning for infection control is serious business. Every surface in every building could harbor invisible microbes and virus germs that threaten health and prosperity for all. Clean SchoolsIn order to prevent the spread of infection, cleaning and disinfection must follow correct protocols using the right tools for the job. The KaiFly System combines microfiber, moisture squeegee, hospital-grade disinfectants, and chemical injection to clean and disinfect environmental surfaces best. Designed to avoid cross-contamination, the patented SmartTowel offers 8 fresh sides to clean with and remove 80 times more bacteria than standard cloths.

Once cleaned and disinfected, you will want to prove the result using rapid hygiene measurement technology like our SystemSure PLUS ATP meter. This universally recognized tool will quickly measure hygiene levels of surfaces in order to ensure consistent disinfection practices and proven results. 

Solutions for Disease Prevention

Product KV1750

KaiVac 1750



Product System Sure Plus


KaiBosh Disinfectant Cleaner

KaiBosh Disinfectant

KaiBosh Disinfectant Cleaner

KaiSan II Disinfectant

Product System Sure Plus


Helpful Articles

Cleaning Before You Disinfect

Many environmental scientists believe the first line of defense of infectious disease is hygienic cleaning and disinfection. But this must be done

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