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A simple, effective solution for cleaner, safer floors.

An extreme cleaning system engineered for daily floor cleaning

Clean 60x better than mops in half the time. Increase floor safety. Create happy workers and customers.

Built to handle tough jobs in hostile environments

Engineered for Hostile, Greasy Environments

Engineered for Hostile, Greasy Environments

Whether in industrial kitchens, automotive workshops, or heavy manufacturing facilities, the UniVac is designed to thrive in the harshest, greasiest conditions.

Extreme Extraction

Extreme Extraction

Removes contaminants from surfaces with the reverse force of a Category 5 hurricane.



Simple to learn, use, maintain, transport, and store.

Grout: Where dirt goes to live forever. (Unless you clean it with the proper tools.)

Floors can be difficult and expensive to maintain. If not cared for properly, they not only become unsightly, they can drive customers away, cause slip and fall accidents, and even become a health hazard.

Unfortunately, traditional mopping makes matters worse—especially for grouted floors. In fact, during mopping, grout lines actually “squeegee” soil and soap scum from mops. When the water evaporates, soils, mineral deposits, soap scum and potentially harmful bio-pollutants are left to penetrate and coat the porous grout. Grout lines that started out light gray or white soon become stained and darkened.


Clean floors 50% faster—that’s time you can actually use.

Reduces cost and saves time

Repeatable outcomes

Kaivac’s process is foolproof, resulting in consistent, repeatable results.

Chemical savings

Kaivac's pre-portioned chemical packets ensure accurate dilution and a savings of up to 90%.

Rapid return on investment

Unsurpassed productivity, multipurpose capabilities, and chemical savings mean a rapid ROI.

Easy to maintain

These plug-and-play machines are easy to maintain and repair without a service technician.

Nothing cleans like a Kaivac.

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All Kaivac systems remove 60x more soil than mops
Removes more than 99% of soils from floors
Certified by the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) for providing High Traction
50% Faster
Clean floors in half the time compared to mopping

Make change simple with Kaivac’s custom training.Learn new cleaning methods, fast.

Simple, comprehensive training empowers cleaning staff and managers to have more efficiency and enjoyment from their jobs.

  • Comprehensive video library
  • Live team training
  • The Kainect app

Discover the versatility. Go beyond kitchens.

Dispense-and-Vac is perfect for a range of uses

Weather-related cleaning
Spill pickup and response
Fitness areas
Locker rooms, gyms, and showers

Kaivac Cleaning Academy

Uncover the formula for sparkling clean floors

Turn a dirty job into a dignified job.

We’ll show you how cleaning systems from Kaivac are used in bathrooms nationwide to improve safety, brand image, and employee retention.