The Best Commercial Restroom Cleaning Equipment

Cleaning restrooms is a tough job. People demand a lot from these high-use, high-visibility spaces. But conventional cleaning tools and methods can actually make restrooms less hygienic. Using the best commercial restroom cleaning equipment solves these challenges.
State-of-the-art restroom equipment cleans soils completely. They help eliminate common complaints from users and even save money. Here’s how the best commercial restroom cleaning equipment gets an unpleasant job done to everyone’s satisfaction.
Restroom Pain Points
Restroom complaints continue to top customer satisfaction surveys. It makes sense. People hold public restrooms to the highest cleaning standard. Things they may put up with at home like smudges on the mirror, water on the counter, or a full waste can, are unacceptable in a public setting. And a cluttered or sticky floor automatically reads as unclean.
While those grumbles are bothersome, the three most common public restroom complaints, according to FacilitiesNet are:
- Bad odors
- Dirty appearance
- Lack of supplies
Any one of these three restroom offences creates an unpleasant experience on its own. Encountering a restroom with all three will probably result in lots of complaints and lost customer confidence.
Poor Restroom Cleaning Practices
Trying to address restroom cleaning pain points with mops and rags actually make the problem worse. These old-fashioned tools can’t remove dirt, but they are really good at spreading soils throughout the space. Once dry, floors appear dingy and discolored. The process may even create stains low on the wall where dirty mop water splashed the tile and deposited more soil.
Mops also push dirt and germs into grout, creating more stains and discoloration. Even worse, grout harbors bacteria that feed on dirty mop water and off gas unpleasant odors. More frequent mopping only feeds bacteria more, making the smell worse.
Customers noticing the stains and smells will automatically judge the space as dirty, even if it was just serviced. Cleaners, discouraged after spending so much time mopping and wiping and still getting poor results, will disengage with the process. And business owners are left caught in the middle, with tons of complaints on one side and unmotivated, unhappy cleaning crews on the other.
Restroom Cleaning Tools for Healthier Spaces, Happier Workers
Advanced restroom cleaning tools help solve the pain points created by mops and rags. Equipment like the No-Touch Cleaning® systems from Kaivac use an advanced process to completely remove dirt and germs.
The technology combines a low-pressure fan spray to apply cleaning chemical, a high-pressure freshwater spray to blast soils to the floor and out of grout lines and a powerful wet/dry vacuum to suck the entire mess away.
This process completely removes soils and odor-causing bacteria from the space. Restrooms look and smell better immediately. Another plus: the tools speed the cleaning process, working in about one-third the time of traditional methods.
Because there is no bending, reaching, or touching messes, cleaning crews enjoy working with No-Touch Cleaning machines. They feel empowered by the immediate, positive results of their efforts instead of discouraged. Customers will also notice the difference, cutting the number of complaints. And business owners can rest easy, know they have clean, hygienic restrooms, happy workers, and satisfied customers.
Read more about how Kaivac tools solved common restroom challenges here and here.
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