Grocery Store Cleaning Solutions

Managing operations for a grocery store is a never-ending challenge. The job requires juggling an endless list of tasks to keep the store up and running every single day. And you are always asked to do more with less including limited employee hours and fewer pieces of equipment.
One of your most important tasks, grocery store cleaning, is a particularly difficult challenge. Shoppers demand spotless interiors throughout the store. Anything less will shake their confidence and tarnish your store’s reputation. That means, as a grocery operations manager, you have to free up employee hours and resources to clean several times a day.
There is a way to tackle every cleaning challenge in your store on time and on budget. Kaivac offers solutions for difficult and dangerous grocery cleaning jobs. These tools act like workforce multipliers, letting your staff complete cleaning tasks faster—and better—so they can finish quickly and move on.
These state-of-the-art solutions deliver consistent results, no matter who is doing the work. Each machine is comfortable to use and simple to operate so workers embrace them right away. App-based training gives them the confidence to clean to the same high standard every single time, even if it’s their first day on the job.
We offer easy to use cleaning machines for high-need areas like entrances, restrooms, floors (including quick spill cleanup), and specialty sections like bakery, deli, and cafés. Kaivac even has a tool to easily maintain refrigeration units, so you don’t have to rely on expensive service calls to HVAC professionals.
Kaivac machines remove moisture, grit, and messy road salts from entrances. They pick up solid and liquid spills quickly and completely, leaving floors dry and safe to walk on. Kaivac tools remove dirt and grease from deli/café floors while easily maneuvering under bulky equipment. In the restrooms, Kaivac technology cleans quickly and completely.
Kaivac helps your staff get cleaning jobs done fast, with time savings that boost your return on investment. Delight your shoppers and empower your workers without busting your budget. Contact Kaivac for solutions to all your cleaning challenges.
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