
Ah the restrooms. Everyone’s most hated cleaning job, especially when it comes to cleaning the toilet. Yet clients, customers, and guests demand fresh restrooms and sparkling clean toilets every time they visit your establishment. In fact, your company’s reputation may depend on it.

The 2023 Healthy Handwashing Survey™ from Bradley Corporation found, once again, that people will stay longer and spend more money at establishments with clean, well maintained restrooms. The study also found that messy restrooms give people permission to be messy too, creating even more disarray.

Clean restrooms and toilets are key to a positive client experience. But who wants to crawl around on their hands and knees to do an unpleasant, smelly job every single day?

That’s where toilet cleaning machines come in.

Toilet Cleaning Machines

Kaivac makes a variety of restroom/toilet cleaning machines that get the job done quickly and completely. The No-Touch Cleaning® system empowers workers to clean toilets and the entire restroom without bending, crawling, or touching disgusting messes.

No-Touch Cleaning systems deliver:

  • Consistent, repeatable results: No matter who is using the machine, a No-Touch Cleaning system from Kaivac produces thoroughly clean toilets, fixtures, walls, and floors. Even grout is consistently clean and odor free.
  • Ergonomic benefits: Workers stand up straight while the No-Touch Cleaning system does all the work. Cleaners apply cleaning solution then rinse with a high-pressure spray. Finally, the powerful vacuum sucks the mess back up. No squatting, bending, twisting, or crawling on the floor to reach behind toilets. 
  • Worker protection: Cleaners already benefit from not having to strain their bodies. The No-Touch Cleaning system also protects them from biohazards commonly found in restrooms because they never have to touch the mess. They don’t even have to get too close to it.
  • Odor free restrooms: Removing odors embedded in restroom grout is hard. That’s why so many establishments try to mask smells with fresheners. No-Touch Cleaning systems from Kaivac actually remove odor at the source. The machine’s powerful indoor pressure washer blasts dirt, germs, and smelly bacteria out of grout lines so the vacuum can suck it all away.
  • Fast results: Cleaning restrooms with mops and rags is more than unpleasant. It’s time consuming too, taking about three minutes per fixture. Using a No-Touch Cleaning system cuts that time to just one minute per fixture while delivering superior results.
  • Better experience for patrons: People demand clean restrooms, even though they hate cleaning toilets themselves. The Healthy Handwashing Survey found that 52% of customers say a bad restroom experience causes them to vow not to return in the future or think twice about doing so. “…customers place a high value on clean restrooms – and reward businesses that offer them,” says Jon Dommisse, vice president of marketing and corporate communication, Bradley Corporation. It’s incumbent upon facility managers to prioritize regular restroom cleaning and make sure that everything is in good working order.”

Are you ready for consistently clean toilets, fresh smelling grout, and happy customers? Explore No-Touch Cleaning systems from Kaivac.

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