
Clean Kennels and Pet Care Facilities

Imagine cleaning your entire facility, from kennels to cages, examination rooms to surgical suites, plus your waiting areas and communal exercise rooms without a mop. With Kaviac cleaning machines it’s possible to clean kennels and animal care facilities faster and BETTER than any mop and bucket. Kaivac cleans 35% faster and removes 60 times more soil and contaminants, leaving your facility clean and disinfected.

Kaivac’s Cleaning Systems Work Better Than Mops

Clean SchoolsKaivac’s No-Touch Cleaning and Spray-and-Vac cleaning systems combine an indoor pressure washer, powerful wet vacuum to get your facility completely clean. It’s a completely touch-free method that blasts dirt, waste, and germs and then vacuums them away, leaving floors dry and clean. The KaiVac 1750 is easy to clean, easy to maneuver, and easy to transport, plus it makes it easier for your employees to perform routine daily cleaning and clean up after accidents quickly. Can we say your employees will LOVE cleaning kennels and eliminating accidents? We hope so, but they’ll definitely accomplish cleaning tasks faster and won’t miss the dirty mop and bucket.

Talk to Kaivac about the products designed to get your facility completely clean without ever touching a mop!

Watch How Kaivac’s Systems Clean Animal Care Facilities 

Our Recommended Solutions For Animal Care Facility Cleaning

Product KV1750

KaiVac 1750

Product Spray and Vac


Kaio Multipurpose Cleaner

KaiBosh Disinfectant

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Helpful Articles

Animal Kennel Cleaning Checklist

A kennel cleaning checklist can make, or break, your boarding business. Here’s helpful info.  

Doggie Daycare and Kennel Spray and Vac Cleaning

Animal daycare facilities and kennels need to be cleaned and disinfected multiple times daily to ensure the safety of their furry guests. Learn how Kaivac does it all. 

Make Your Pet Boarding Business Shine

From your front desk and lobby to your kennels and office space, Kaivac’s cleaning technology does it all. Learn how to save valuable time and money with Kaivac.  

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